Governor Proclaims September – Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in New York State
Governor Andrew Cuomo has shown his support in response to IMP’s prostate cancer awareness campaigns. He issued a Proclamation stating that September 2013 is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. This proclamation and the Government support will help save thousands of lives each year. To see the proclamation, click here.
Dr. Eric Mitchnick Shares Info on Prostate Health
Dr. Eric Mitchnick was interviewed by WFAN radio personality, Bob Slater on the subject of Prostate Health. Please click on the link to hear important information on the topic.
LUGPA: Hospital IMRT Expenditures are on the Rise
An analysis of data from a recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report explains why there is no health policy advantage to limiting where patients can choose to receive radiation oncology services for prostate cancer, according to the Large Urology Group Practice Association (LUGPA), which conducted the analysis.
To read more, please click for the PDF or on the link which follows.
Stop Low T From Making You Feel Old Before Your Time
Low testosterone can make men feel tired, depressed and less confident. There are treatments which can help. To read more, please click here for a PDF or on the link that follows.